Employment Lawyers

We've partnered with the following employment lawyers who are the best in their space. 

Click on the blue links to find out more about them.

Stuart Rudner

Stuart Rudner

Rudner Law | ONTARIO

At Rudner Law, our approach is simple. We want to understand your circumstances, your concerns, and your goals. We will then ensure that you understand the legal regime along with your rights and obligations. Once that is done, we work with you to design a cost-effective, practical strategy that meets your needs. We want to be your Trusted Advisor.

Stuart Ruder is not one of those lawyers that is ideologically married to one side. While many individuals have their rights trampled on, he has also seen employees take advantage of those same rights to the detriment of their employer.  Stuart realizes that there is good and bad in every group, and believes that being able to advise Employers and Employees makes him a better lawyer than only seeing matters from one perspective.

Thomas Duke

Thomas Duke

Miller Thomson | ALBERTA

Tom Duke is an experienced labour and employment lawyer. Tom advises clients, including employers in federally and provincially regulated industries, on a wide range of matters such as human rights, employment standards, terminations, and workplace safety. Tom provides prompt and pragmatic advice on discipline issues. He also has diverse litigation experience that includes commercial disputes, shareholder disputes, and negligence cases. 

Robert Smithson

Robert Smithson

Smithson Employment Law Corporation | BC

Robert Smithson applies pro-active strategies aimed at keeping his clients out of court. His proven approach to workplace disputes seeks to minimize the disruption and costs of litigation and administrative complaints,and to reduce stress for everyone involved. Robert advises clients in private industry as well as in the municipal, academic, and non-profit environments, both unionized and non-unionized.

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  • "...In a small business, best HR practices are sometimes not implemented due to a lack of resources or HR knowledge. With ConnectsUs products, we were able to implement them quickly and easily."

    Chris Breikss | President, 6S Marketing Inc. | New York, New York
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