Premium Templates Library

Choose from over 250 Word & Excel HR templates.

AI won’t provide you with quality templates like these! See examples of why we think proper formatting is critical.

  • Easily edit and create beautifully-formatted HR documents, employee manuals, forms, spreadsheets, letters, & guides.

  • Templates come with a customizable instructions document for your staff, so they know how to fill it out and what to do with it. 

  • Every single template comes with its own web page that provides instructions, how to edit and style, as well as tips for small business.

  • HR documents in a certain category, for example Recruiting, connect to each other so you can use them together to create an end-to-end process.

  • Made for today's workplace: Gender neutral. Written without the use of he, she, her, his, etc., without sounding forced. Written in every day language in plain English (except where legalese is required). Uses a modern and business-casual tone.

  • Fresh, clean and easy to read. Uses Microsoft Styles so all documents look uniform and professional. It’s easy and we show you how.

  • Professionally written by experienced HR professionals.

  • Reviewed and edited by one professional writer with a Masters in instructional design resulting in consistent language & voice throughout.  

  • Reviewed by employment lawyers.